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Nicholas (M)>

Nicholas (male)

Variants:Launo (M) Micolau (M) Miklós (M) Mikoláš (M) Mikołaj (M) Mikuláš (M) Neacal (M) Nels (M) Niccolò (M) Nichol (M) Nicholaus (M) Nicholl (M) Nicodème (M) Nicodemo (M) Nicol (M) Nicola (M) Nicolaas (M) Nicolae (M) Nicolao (M) Nicolas (M) Nicolau (M) Nicoll (M) Nicolò (M) Niels (M) Niilo (M) Niklas (M) Niklaus (M) Nikodēmos (M) Nikolai (M) Nikolaos (M) Nikolas (M) Nikolaus (M) Nils (M) Nioclás (M)
Diminutive(s):Klas (M)
Pet Name(s):Claus (M) Col (M) Cole (M) Klaske (M) Nick (M) Nicky (M) Nico (M)
Derivative(s):Colin (M) Nicholson (M) Nicholson (F)
Can be spelt:Nicolas (M)
Feminine form:Nichola (F) Nicholas (F) Nicholase (F) Nicola (F) Nicolas (F) Nicole (F) Nicolette (F)
Source(s): English Parish Register
FreeCEN 1841 Census of Aberdeenshire
The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG
Private communication [MA3]

English, French and Dutch, from Greek "victory (of the) people"; NT Acts 6:5.

In old documents in Latin, Nicholaus, or Nicholas itself, may be found, with appropriate case endings.

A correspondent [MA3] reports many uses of the Forename Nicholas for girls, particularly in the early 19th century in Ayrshire and Dumfriesshire, Scotland. In the 1841 Census of Aberdeenshire this usage occurs but less frequently, Nicolas being the more usual the female spelling.