SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Joakim (M)> Andrew (F)> Mitchell (M)>

Mitchell (male)

Pet Name(s):Michie (M) Mitch (M)
Derivative of:Michael (M)
Can be spelt:Michal (M) Michel (M) Michell (M) Mitchal (M) Mitchel (M)
Feminine form:Mitchell (F)
Source(s): FreeCEN 1841 Census of Aberdeenshire
The Oxford Names Companion, OUP

English medieval variant of Michael from Hebrew "one who is like God"; NT Revelations 12:7-9. The modern use as a male and female forename is believed to be by derivation from the surname, itself derived from the medieval forename.

The 1841 Census of Aberdeenshire gives a number of spelling variants and short names which might apply to either Michael [q.v.] or the derived name Mitchell. These variants include Michal, Michel, Michell, Michie which are therefore shown under both primary names. There are also a few spelling variants of Mitchell but all should be found by Soundex searches.  Only Mitchel and Mitchal appear significantly often.

See also Mitchell (F).