SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Michie (M)> Veronike (F)> Rogerio (M)> Michal (M)>

Michal (male)

Variants:Michael (M)
Can be spelt:Michael (M) Mitchell (M)
Feminine form:Michal (F) Michalina (F)
Source(s): FreeCEN 1841 Census of Aberdeenshire
The Oxford Names Companion, OUP

1. Polish form of Michael, from the Hebrew name Micah, "one who is like God".

2. The 1841 Census of Aberdeenshire gives a number of spelling variants and short names for Michael and the derived name Mitchell which might apply to either. These include Michal, Michel, Michell, Michie which are shown under both primary names.

3. Michal is also a rare English female forename from Hebrew "brook"; OT 1 Samuel 19:11-17.