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Colmán (M)> Callum (M)>

Callum (male)

Variants:Cailean (M) Colm (M) Colum (M)
Diminutive(s):Cal (M)
Diminutive for:Malcolm (M)
Pet Name(s):Caley (M) Calley (M)
Derivative of:Columba (M)
Lesser Synonym(s):Colin (M)
Can be spelt:Calum (M) Kaylum (M)
Feminine form:Calaminag (F)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG

Scottish, diminutive of Malcolm, as is Colum. Like Malcolm, Callum is derived from the 6th century Irish Saint, Columbamm, from Latin "dove".

Cailean may be Anglicized as either Callum/Calum or Colin. However these two Anglicized names are not interchageable so we have classed them as lesser synonyms.