SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Ina (F)>

Ina (female)

Diminutive for:Alexandrina (F) Andrewina (F) Arthurina (F) Georgina (F)
Pet Name for:Thomasina (F)
Several personal communications.

Scottish and English.

It has long been a practice in Scotland for girls' names to be formed from a boy's name with the addition of -ina at the end [e.g. Georgina, Andrewina, etc]. Occasionally the boy's name has been slightly modified to make for a more melodious name. Examples of this are: Alexandrina from Alexander [see the Note, below] and Davina from David (but note that Davidina also occurs).

Ina is used as a diminutive or pet name for almost any Scottish girl's name ending in -ina. A few examples are given above but the full list numbers well over 50.

For a full list of names ending in -ina, including other shortened names [e.g. Tina] and non-derivative names [e.g. Sabina] search on *ina on this site.  Note also that the -ina ending also occurs in some old documents in Latin - with appropriate case modifications.

Due to the prevalence of this name as a pet name, Ina is also now used independently as a given name. It is becoming popular in England [with a long "i" sound] as well in as Scotland [usually with a short "i" sound].

NB One correspondent [SW] recalls an ancestor, named Alexandrina, whose diminutive was spelt Ena.