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Bernt (M)> Jeffery (M)> Hubrecht (M)> Beornheard (M)> Bearnard (M)> Nastasia (F)> Jindruška (F)> Aveline (F)>

Aveline (female)

Variants:Evaline (F) Evelyn (F)
Derivative(s):Eileen (F) Evelyn (M)
Derivative of:Avila (F) Avis (F)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG
Personal communication [MG]

English; the original Norman French form of Evaline and Evelyn. ONC notes that it "seems to represent an Old French diminutive of the Germanic name Avila, related to Avis.

A correspondent [MG] has noted that scholarly sources now consider that Eileen is derived from Aveline via Evelyn.