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Reginaldus (M)> Merryn (F)> Carlo (M)> Reynold (M)>

Reynold (male)

Variants:Raghnall (M) Ragnvald (M) Raonull (M) Reginaldus (M) Reinhold (M) Reynard (M) Reynaud (M) Rheinallt (M) Rinaldo (M) Ronald (M)
Derivative(s):Reginald (M)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP

English and German, introduced into Britain by the Normans, from Old German "advice" + "ruler".

Reginaldus, the Latin form of Reynold and Reynard, was used in old documents, with appropriate Latin case endings, and gave rise to the later English name of Reginald.

Anglicized form of Irish and Scottish Gaelic Raghnall/Raonull.