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Eoin (M)>

Eoin (male)

Synonym(s):Iain (M) Ian (M)
Variants:Iain (M) Ian (M) John (M) Jonathan (M) Seán (M) Seathan (M)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG
Private communication [IS]

Gaelic form of John [q.v.], from Hebrew "God has been gracious", cognate with Ian/Iain:m].

  • Note: In Scotland Eoin has a stress which has been variously recorded as Eòin or Eôin and tends to be Anglicized as Jonathan.

A correspondent [IS] notes that in Skye, Scotland, Gaelic-speakers use John and Ian/Iain/Eoin interchangeably. As well as being variants, in Gaelic areas with a reasonable influx of English speakers, the names should therefore be considered to be synonyms.