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Benedict (M)>

Benedict (male)

Synonym(s):Benedictus (M)
Variants:Bendt (M) Benedek (M) Benedetto (M) Benedick (M) Benedikt (M) Benedykt (M) Beneš (M) Benet (M) Bénézet (M) Bengt (M) Benito (M) Benkő (M) Benneit (M) Bennett (M) Benoît (M) Bent (M) Bento (M) Beynish (M) Pentti (M) Venedikt (M)
Diminutive(s):Ben (M)
Pet Name(s):Bennie (M) Benny (M)
Lesser Synonym(s):Baruch (M)
Feminine form:Benedict (F) Benoîte (F) Bettina (F)
Source(s): English Parish Register
The Oxford Names Companion, OUP

English from Latin "blessed".

Variations and derivatives of Benedictus occur in most European languages [see above].

Benedict and Bennet are cognate English forenames; Benneit is Scottish Gaelic. Benedictus is used for these names in old documents in Latin, with appropriate case endings.

The meaning is the same as for the Jewish name Baruch which we therefore class as a lesser synonym.