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Austin (M)>

Austin (male)

Synonym(s):Hugh (M)
Variants:Awstin (M) Hùisdean (M) Ùisdean (M) Ùisdeann (M)
Diminutive for:Augustine (M)
Derivative of:Augustus (M)
Lesser Synonym(s):Ewen (M)
Can be spelt:Austen (M)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG
Private communication [AC2]
Clan MacLean Website

Medieval English, a contraction of Augustine. Having fallen out of fashion, it has become more popular recently, probably reintroduced by reverse derivation from the surname Austin.

According to the Clan MacLean Website, Hùisdean or Ùisdean is the Gaelic equivalent of Hugh, Ewen and Austin and a correspondent [AC2] confirms that Hugh and Austin may be used as synonyms in Scotland.