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Tamar (F)>

Tamar (female)

Variants:Tama (F) Tamara (F) Thamer (F)
Pet Name for:Thomasina (F)
Can be spelt:Tamah (F) Tamer (F) Tamor (F) Tamour (F) Tamya (F)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
"Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG
Personal communication to Co-Cork List [SH2]

Jewish, from Hebrew "date palm"; OT Genesis 38; 2 Samuel 13:10-22 and 14:27.

Tamar is less popular in English-speaking countries than its Russian equivalent Tamara.

There are a number of spelling variants, all rare: Tamah, Tamer, Tamor, Tamour, and Tamya, which might be found by using Soundex search.

Tamar has been used as a pet name for [Thomasina in southern Ireland.