SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Lynette (F)>

Lynette (female)

Diminutive(s):Lin (F) Lyn (F) Lynn (F) Lynne (F)
Derivative of:Lynn (F)
Lesser Synonym(s):Eluned (F)
Can be spelt:Linnet (F) Linnette (F) Lynnette (F)
Source(s): "Scottish Forenames" - Donald Whyte, FGH, FSG


1. Whyte suggests Lynette is from Middle French "idol" or "icon".

2. ONC says that modern use is an extension of Lynn by the addition of the French female ending -ette. Lynn is now also a diminutive of Lynette

3. ONC also notes that Tennyson used it much earlier in Idylls of the King when it was an undefined derivation of a Celtic original. However a tenuous connection is given to Eluned [q.v. for additional notes].

See also Linnet and Linnette