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Donalina (F)>

Donalina (female)

Can be spelt:Donaldina (F)
Masculine form:Domhnall (M) Donald (M)
Personal correspondence [GB]

A corresondent [GB] has forwarded the following memorial inscription found in Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, Scotland:

"In loving memory of Alexander May Cardno, dearly beloved husband of Donalina McLeod died 8th April 1969 age 67 years, also the above Donalina McLeod died 20th October 1994 age 94 years."

Donalina is a spelling variant of Donaldina [q.v. for further variants].  Both are Scottish feminine forms of the Gaelic Domhnall [q.v.] ("world ruler") or the Anglicized variant Donald.  Formed by the traditional Scottish fashion: Donald + -ina, losing the middle "d".