SEARCH FOR A PERSONAL NAME Whats in a name - a survey of first names

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Dee (F)>

Dee (female)

Pet Name for:Deirdre (F) Doris (F) Dorothy (F)
Masculine form:Dee (M)
Source(s): The Oxford Names Companion, OUP
Personal communication [DG];

Rootsweb Y-IRL Discussion Group;

Chambers Dictionary (2003)


English pet name for many forenames beginning with the letter "D-", some of which are listed, above.  It may also be a given name.  The rarer male form as a given name is more common in the US.

The original usage may relate to a River Dee in Scotland, Wales or England, possibly via the surname.

ONC says Dee is most frequently used as a pet name for Dorothy, but we are unconvinced that it is so restricted since, while Dee is still popular, Dorothy has fallen out of favour. One correspondent [DG] has reported it being used for Doris.

We would welcome additional examples of this usage.